I was thinking about this today, there are so many disabilities out there & so many different groups out there raising money for specfic causes. Whether it be MS, Cerebral Palsy or Autism to many others it seems as if the disability community is very splintered. I have always felt that regardless of the disability we (i.e. the proverbal WE) have a shared expierence in terms of societal treatment. Whether accessibility issues, medical or just plain discrimination most people that I've come across have similar stories to share. While someone like me doesn't share the same symptomology as say someone with aspergers we do share at times similar psychological pangs. A feeling of alienation, not looking what is considered "normal". I could go on, BUT I believe that we must begin to respond as a community - a community that isd wonderful tapestry of both different & shared expierences...What does everyone else think?
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Awareness...Perhaps Not!
After my recent medical fiasco (previous post) I had to get an expemption from my upcoming jury duty. I had already had one postponement BUT now I realized I needed a medical exemption. My neurologist was more than happy to oblidge and write a note to the court. So I call the New York Superior Court to straighten out the situation & get on the phone with a woman with whom I proceed to explain my situation & ask about what the next steps should be. She proceeded to ask me the dreaded question..." your disabled & your NOT on disability?" I have to admit I was speechless! I quickly picked my jaw up off the floor & responded that no, I am not on disability I am self employed & combined with my medical condition it would be hard to serve at this time. Again she said okay, so your NOT on disability?
Why is there this assumption that just because you have a disability you must be on disability assistance? Was it her belief that due to my medical condition I was unable to work, hold down a job or just function! This has really sent my mind racing to think that awareness of those with disabilities has come as far as one would hope. That infact we as a community MUST be our own advocates & heed the words " Nothing About Us Without Us!"
Posted by
10:08 AM
Monday, October 1, 2007
DisabilityWorks,inc.: Welcome to the Era of Disaboom!
Posted by
7:51 PM
Welcome to the Era of Disaboom!
In this age of personal computers, cellular phone, and mobile device it seems as if people are more shut off thean ever before. Yet, one of the truly epic advances has been the internet & this so called 'information superhighway'. No where in history have we as a spieces been able to connect with one another like ever before. For people with disabilities who have been seperated either by the confines of there own bodies , function or ability the internet has served as the great equalizer.
Today is the dawn of new era, the launch of Disaboom.com! A website that will provide people with disabilities of all ages pertinant information to impact every facet of their daily lives on many levels to a social network to communicate with others that share similiar expierence OR infact completley different ones. My hope is that Disaboom will become for the disability community what it is meant to be - a "Global Village" to share, explore and create new avenues for a betteer way to live.
So...Let's ALL begin on this new journey tgether & LIVE FORWARD!
Posted by
7:32 PM