Welcome to DisabilityWorks,inc.

The DisabilityWorks,inc. Blog is a place that we will share thoughts and ideas about everything disability related that will impact millions of readers. Our goal is to provide valuable information and resources and expand the conversation on issues ranging from business, healthcare, politics and beyond

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Anxiety of Influence

Well who said that the need for technology was overrated...well, I can now tell you from expierence the value that technology plays in my life. Loosing access to my computer is very much like loosing access to my freedom. Not being able get my e-mail or use the internet truly hindered every aspect of my work life. When I thought about it I know many people with physical disabilities who's need for technology goes far beyond what my needs are but use it as a critical piece of there activities of daily living. I realized the power that technology has over our lives- almost every aspect for that matter- the influence is enormous!

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