Why Disability? Such a large and nebulous question BUT a question we must ask in different contexts. Over the course of the next year we will ask this very question in different contexts as well as seek your thoughts so that we may grow this idea and we begin to find new solutions. The next blog entry will discuss Why Disability is important to the future of the American Economy!
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Corporate America and our Veterans: A Brief Thought
As America slowly comes out of this recession it is so important that we do not forget our brave men and women who served in uniform. For C-Suite executives this is should be seen as a critical moment in helping the US be competitive in the global economy. For many of these young men and women who served have been highly trained and can be a valuable asset to American companies. Being part of a flat world it is vital for upper management to find every competitive advantage they can find. As we enter 2011 I implore these executives to see the inherent value that these veterans can serve in their organizations. This is all I have to say for now but I hope that will begin to look into the ROI and see that this choice is not just a great business choice but a truly patriotic one as well.
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10:19 AM
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Welcome to 2011 & the New DisabilityWorks,inc Blog!
It is finally a New Year & a new dawn for DisabilityWorks,inc. Our goal has always been to provide high value content to our audience. This year we will discuss a whole host of topics from business strategies, employment, veterans issues, aging and disabilities to parenting.We have only only scratched the surface in what is possible going forward. I hope that readers will take this journey with us & offer suggestions and thoughts to provide the most valuable information going forward. Enjoy!
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9:31 AM
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Autism Awareness Month
As April roles around it is once again Autism Awareness month. In 2010 what does this actually mean? From my perspective it is a way to inform, educate and demystify the realities of what autism is AND what it's not! There has been a tremendous amount of confusion over the years of how autism is defined. Many see it as it is portrayed in popular culture with such films as "Rain Man" or hearing celebrities like Jenny McCarthy who claims that autism can be cured.
The reality is that autism is a spectrum and there is no one single definition. It is in constant flux and that has been clearly seen by the medical communities stance that the diagnosis of aspergers will no longer be a criteria in the new Diagnostic Statistical Manual. It will be brought into the fold of autism spectrum disorder.
More recently we are seeing a radical change in how autism is viewed. Very much on the heals of the Disability Civil Rights Movements people with autism (particularly those with high functioning autism and aspergers) have stated that there is true value in neurodiversity & that difference is not a disability - just difference!
This new approach will have a significant impact on the cultural ramifications of autism and disability as a whole. This harkens back to the basic socio-cultural model of disability and the struggle for equality.
As the second decade of the 21st Century is upon us it maybe time to see that the human expierence is broad and that the concept of "normalcy" or acceptable can be redefined.
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11:07 AM
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I am watching the news with great ferver like many American are today! We are at a watershed momment where a healthcare bill is about to be passed and change the landscape for millions of Americans. As a person with a disability who has had some contentious days with insurance companies trying to gain health insurance even though I have a pre-existing conditions. After the healthcare bill is signed into law millions of people with disabilities lives will be completley transformed in ways that are not even concieved as of yet. This is a great day in American life!
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1:18 PM
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Temple Grandin
I just finished watching the HBO film "Temple Grandin". It was my second time seeing the film because I saw it last week at the priemer in New York City. I worked on the film as a technical advisor and was hopeful that the film would do justice to this iconic member of the disability community. I tried my best to offer Claire Danes and the producers any advice I could. This was a tour deforce by Ms. Danes and the filmakers making a truly astonishing film. As I wached the film in the comfort of my home I was really able to soak in what this film really means and why its impact is vital in the year of the 20th anniversary of the American with Disabilities Act. In the film Temple Grandin states "different, but not less" and from my vantage point that is so cruucial to not understand just people with autism but the disability community as a whole. If we as a society are truly going to embrace diversity we must heed the credo "different, but not less" The value of difference is beautiful but does not make us any less a valued member of society. I am hopeful that this film will be a watershed momment for Hollywood to see that there are many stories to be told of people with disabilities that are entertaining, interesting & very much part of the fabric of the human expierence.
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12:06 AM
Saturday, January 30, 2010
The Special Olympics Inclusive Workforce Town hall
I spent the past few days in Washington, DC because I was invited to speak at The Special Olympics Inclusive Workforce Town Hall. This event was the first of its kind with the emphasis on job creation, career development and the understanding that there needs to be a hard look at what needs to be done on this issue. It was quite interesting that in much of the State of the Union the President discussed the need for jobs and why it is vital to put Americans to work. For people with disabilities nothing can be further from the truth. As we enter the second decade of the 21st Century and the second decade of the Americans with Disabilities Act the disability community must take action to see that they are part of the economic recovery of the American economy. It goes beyond just job creation but really looking towards both an entreprenurial spirit and the see people with disabilities as a vital part of the future of American business. American business needs to rethink the value proposition of potential employers and see that diversity will be a key to future growth.
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6:34 PM